My christmas present to you all.
Santa's coal shootout:
Graphics: 6 Nothing special, but was Xmasy
Style: 5 Pretty basic but that isnt always bad
Sound: 5 timing off the gun was off, good choice of music tho.
Violence: N/A
Interactivity: 4 controls are fine, but the hitTests arent so good
Humor: 8 all because i didnt see the sheep coming lol
Overal: 6 pretty good game, maybe a little rushed tho.
Stocking Drop:
Graphics: 5 since theres little stuff to this game graphics should have been better
Style: 5 not the type of addicting game it could have been
Sound: 5 only had bakground music, no sound effects
Violence: N/A
Interactivity: 5 glitchy, if you drop when its near the edge you lose all your lives at once.
Humor: N/A
Overal: 5 Was expecting better but still a good time waster anyways :)
Santa's Run:
Graphics: 8 Simple colours, but it worked
Style: 6 fast paced and enjoyable
Sound: 8 good bakground music and use of sound effects
Violence: N/A
Interactivity: 6 too easy if you simply hold the key for the upcoming block
Humor: 6 i love how he runs
Overal: 7 a fun game, and well made.
Kalaloo-NB's game:
Graphics: 9 I loved the yeti's look
Style: 6 seemed too liner, not enough freedom
Sound: 8 good music
Violence: N/A the violence wasnt that violent lol form what i played
Interactivity: 6 didn seem to glitch
Humor: 7 just because the yeti is awesome
Overal: 8 a fun game, even tho i didnt finish it, had to continue my reviews for this.
PS the text in your game runs off the screen alot.
Close school:
Graphics: 6 the guy rotate weirdy when he moved, like he was laying on the ground
Style: 7 clever idea for the game
Sound: 5 only bakground music no sfx, from what i could get thru
Violence: N/A
Interactivity: 5 controls were werid and hitTest weird choppy
Humor: N/A
Overal: 6 overal good game but looked weird and the Ai was to simple
Author Profiles (couldnt resist):
Graphics: 10 buttons look good with the layout
Style: 10 everything was in pretty order
Sound: 10 pleasent music
Violence: N/A
Interactivity: 10 buttons worked great
Humor: N/A
Overal: 10 You all lost in score to your profiles, owned.
since i dont wanna put the time in adveraging out the scores to make the over over all one for the collab, ill just use the author profiles one since its the best :)